Kevin Ian Schmidt

Spill Response Plan – Training

Developing an effective Spill Response Plan involves a lot of planning and thinking ahead to manage the worst type of spill that could happen. Take it step by step and decide how to handle each problem. Then obtain the necessary supplies and train all employees in their use. Last, anticipate and plan for a disastrous spill or an event that would trigger the 911 call. Train all employees thoroughly.

Developing A Spill Response Plan

An effective Spill Response Plan requires:

  • A complete evaluation of the work site.
  • Make an emergency evacuation plan for the area, work site, or building.
  • List the chemicals that are stored on-site, as well as their amounts.
  • Determine what constitutes a small spill that can be safely controlled and cleaned up by on-site personnel.
  • Decide what is a ‘large spill’.
  • Decide what will trigger a 911 call or one for the Emergency Response Team or HAZMAT Team.
  • Plan the most effective way to handle any spill that might occur.
  • Develop a recommended Spill Response for each chemical that is on-site.
  • Determine the amount of Spill Kits and containment supplies that will be needed and have them on-site, near the chemical storage area.
  • Determine what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be needed to manage a spill of each chemical.
  • Be sure there is an adequate amount off PPE on hand.
  • Train all workers in the proper use of PPE.
  • Be sure that there are adequate numbers of fire extinguishers on-hand and employees know how to use them.
  • Make a list of emergency phone numbers and post several in highly visible places.
  • Make a list which contains the phone numbers of individuals that are to be contacted in the event of a spill.This should be kept in an area that is easily accessed by all personnel.
  • If different chemicals are added to the on-site inventory, the amount or type of spill containment supplies may need to be increased.
  • Employees and contractors who come on site must all be trained in the Spill Response Plan and how to use spill containment supplies such as drain plugs, dikes and socks to help avoid a release of the spilled chemicals into the environment.
  • Determine reporting requirements to federal, state and local agencies.
  • Designate personnel or a manager to handle this task. Necessary reporting forms should be available on-site.
  • Obtain SDS sheets for all chemicals on site.
  • Have SDS sheets readily available for employee use; this can be in a binder or electronically, as long as employee’s know how to access them when needed.
Check Out: How to Read an SDS Sheet

Employee Training for Spill Response

All employees and on-site contractors must be trained in:

  • Neutralizing and controlling chemical spills
  • Cleaning up hazardous wastes
  • How to use PPE
  • How to use a fire extinguisher
  • Basic First Aid
  • Management of used personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Disposal of clean up materials
  • Disposal of hazardous waste
  • Handling the reporting requirements of state, federal and local agencies
  • Understanding the use of SDS Information Sheets
  • Understanding how to access SDS sheets in the company’s method of choice
Check Out: Budgeting for Training

Employees should be involved in the development of the Spill Response Plan and be able to recognize a spill that requires a 911 call. They should know the location of spill control supplies as well as spill kits. For the safety of all, every employee and contractor must be well trained and understand the Plan well.

The below training can be given in a classroom presentation, or as part of a self-learning style. Just ensure your company has a subject matter expert to answer questions.

Download & view the Spill Response Training below:

Spill Response Training


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