Kevin Ian Schmidt

Out of Office Series: Task List App: Todoist


Again, we are off on this journey to find me the perfect task list manager. This time, I downloaded to my phone and tablet, Todoist. The initial setup was simple, which involved logging onto Todoist’s website, which allows for a desktop client to give you another way to access your task lists.
As I laid out at the beginning of this journey, I have specific needs, let’s see how Todoist matches up.

Phone and tablet sync: yes, this is easily accomplished, just signup with Todoist using your preferred email account and you’re off and running.

Home page widget for quick access: the home page widget comes in ‘alerts only’ or a sizeable home page widget, to see your tasks and to quickly add additional ones.

Recurring task feature: while you can set due dates, the set tasks can not be recurring. This feature is important to me, to remind me of those occasional tasks, that might be due every 3wks, and could be overlooked.

Tasks and subtasks: kind of, I’ll give half credit here. You can set tasks as main or up to 4 levels subtask, but that doesn’t mean anything. The subtasks aren’t linked to a primary task, so it really just offers indenting of tasks.

Notes section on tasks/subtasks: for premium. I have no issue with paying for apps, I have no issue paying for extended features for apps. I view notes to tasks as kind of a basic feature, this is a huge strike.

Alerts for priority tasks: the alerts come via email, read more on this whole feature below.

Email capability of tasks and reminders: Todoist kind of does it right with their emails, the send you a breakdown of tasks,  clearing showing when due or hopefully not overdue. In the email also, is a graph, showing your productivity based upon your usage of Todoist, this is kind of neat, as it could allow you to track what all you have accomplished,  if you wanted to spend the time tracking yourself.

Ability to change color of tasks: not a deal breaker, but I think this would be a nice feature.
Clean UI: Very clean, simple. Not as minimalistic as, but nonethe less, a clean simple UI.

Overall, I started out with high hopes for this app, it was checking some major boxes on my ‘needs’ list, but lacking notes, without having to upgrade, and having an essentially pointless task/subtask feature were just glaring issues I couldn’t get past. The website access is nice, but it is also another step, I like being tied to a calendar function as well, so I can tie multiple apps together with less steps.

Download Here – iTunes

Download Here – Google Play Store

Download Here – Todoist website

Phone View


Computer view


Out of Office Series: Task List App: Splendo ToDo List

Splendo Splendo ToDo List


The quest for a perfect for me task list app continues, this time I downloaded Splendo ToDO List to my phone and tablet. Let’s start with the list:

Phone and tablet sync: you can sync through your gmail account, which allows for a seamless sync between phone and tablet. **extra** the use of the gmail address, also allows for use of Google task on your desktop, I’m really starting to find this extra a wonderful thing.**

Home page widget for quick access: the home page widget comes in 2 styles, one is just an icon with alerts; the other is a 2×2 list that can be expanded full screen if needed. I love the ability to scroll off the home page for a quick view of the tasks I have.

Recurring task feature: the recurring task feature is easy to use; with all the basic selections(daily, weekly, monthly, etc). Very important feature, not having this is a complete deal breaker.

Tasks and subtasks: tasks easy to set, no subtasks feature.

*Man, everytime one starts off strong, there is soon after a stumble.

Notes section on tasks/subtasks: no subtasks, so obviously no notes on them, but I find it weak that even tasks don’t have a note feature.

Alerts for priority tasks: Setting alerts for tasks is easy, you can set the phone to ring at a predetermined time, or alert you before the task is due. The drawback here is if I want task A to alert me 30 mins before with a specific ringtone, but task B to alert me 2hrs before the task is due with a basic alert sound, I can’t set this up, notification sound and time are universal to all tasks.

Email capability of tasks and reminders: No ability to have the APP send me a daily summary via email, or send alerts via email.

Ability to change color of tasks: This app is about simplicity,  so no this is not a feature.

Clean UI: clean UI, simple setup, easy to sync.

In summary, I like the app, I got it up and running with ease, but it was lacking several key features, I am expecting in a task manager app, so I will continue my hunt, hopefully you enjoy it.


Download Here – Google Play Store

Splendo 3  Splendo 2

Off of Office Series: Task List App: Gtasks

gtasks KevinianGtasks

I am busy running around between locations, trying to keep up on all the tasks between them. I am again trying out a task list manager, seeing if I can find the one that meets my needs. So I downloaded Gtasks to my phone and tablet.

Phone and tablet sync: This app allows you to sign in using your gmail account, which allows for seamless syncing between phone and tablet. The extra feature of using your gmail account is it allows you to use Google Tasks on your desktop as well.

Home page widget for quick access: This app allows for multiple choice of home page widgets. You can choose from wide, narrow, tall, short, dark or light backgrounds. This is nice as it allows you to set it based upon preference. I use tall and narrow on my phone, but short and wide on my tablet, both with a dark background. If you don’t want a busy home screen, there is also a widget for alerting to undone, overdue tasks.

Recurring task feature: you can set tasks to recur as needed. As you are setting up each task, this is part of the choices.

Tasks and subtasks: Setting tasks is easy, with multiple organizational categories available. Subtasks are not a feature.

Notes section on tasks/subtasks: Each task has a note section, without subtasks, no subtask notes.

Alerts for priority tasks: Each tasks can be set with an alert when due or as a reminder beforehand. Each notification is set for that task.

Email capability of tasks and reminders: this is not an available feature from free or premium.

Ability to change color of tasks: the only color change options was to flag a task as priority, then the checkbox next to the app appears red, otherwise no other feature to do this.

Clean UI: Simple to get up and running, simple to add tasks and clear them up.

I found myself using this app for awhile beyond my short testing time, with the nice syncing between devices, the ease of setting tasks and the overall functionality,  I really liked this app. I know it doesn’t meet all my set forth needs, but it came pretty close. I think you might find this app meeting your needs, as it is a real workhorse in keeping track of my tasks.
●edit● I am becoming a real fan of task list apps syncing with my Google Tasks, as it allows me further access to tasks, no matter where I find myself.

Download Here – Play Store

Download Here – iTunes

Download Here – Amazon


Gtasks 2          Gtasks

Out of Office: Task List App: Taskary

taskary Taskary


After using Gtasks for awhile, I really started to feel the missing features, so I am again off on my search for a task list manager. This time, I found myself downloading Taskary to my phone and tablet. First impression was a little awe, this app looked like it could handle all I could toss at it. Let’s see how it stacks up against my needs.

Phone and tablet sync: sign in with Gmail app, so again that extra gem of syncing Google Tasks on your computer with your phone and tablet. In fact, using the agenda feature, it also syncs one app up with Google Tasks and Google Calendar. This could mean using 1 app to handle both features.

Home page widget for quick access: The home page widget leaves a lot to be desired. It shows 1 day of tasks at a time, without a quick add feature or a view of my undated tasks. Access to both requires opening the app.

Recurring task feature: This feature is easy to use with Taskary. As it syncs with Google calendar, you can scroll the agenda page and find calendar events mingled with your tasks.

Tasks and subtasks: Yes it handles tasks and subtasks, although the subtask feature is a little awkward,  and might take some time to get used to. Instead of being true subtasks, you can set parent tasks, so they appear as stand alone of as subtasks, depending on the view you’re using.

Notes section on tasks/subtasks: This app easily allows for motes on all tasks and subtasks. Large note sections allows you to pile information in. Along wi notes, you can add contacts to tasks/subtasks, allowing for easy sharing.

Alerts for priority tasks: each task AND subtask can have an alert. I find this great. So if I have a main task due on Friday, but want to manage my time to complete a couple subtasks each day, I can set reminders for each.

Email capability of tasks and reminders: Not a feature with this app.

Ability to change color of tasks: Not a feature with this app.

Clean UI: no, this app does not have a clean UI, depending on the view, you can have 4 separate panels to navigate with. This is easy to overlook though, because with the agenda view, you can see your tasks and your calendar events.

This app is a powerhouse, easily handling all tasks I set it up with, plus handling my calendar events. The extras in the app make it easy to use, even though it is a minimalist layout. The biggest drawback is the weak homescreen widget, which I feel is such a hindrance, that I find this app incompatible with my needs.


Download Here – Google Play Store

taskary 2taskary 3

Out of office series: note app

postit junkie


As part of my series of “out of office” I will be reviewing note taking apps for my phone and tablet.
When I am in my office, I use post-it notes and my computer for making and keeping notes organized, although I am a post-it note junkie. As I find myself out of the office more lately, I have found this system to be in need of a revamp. As such I will be reviewing note taking apps, looking for one that meets my needs and expectations.

Phone and tablet sync
Homepage widget
Ability to make notes, take pictures and record audio
Speech to text
Ability to organize notes

Other features I would like:
Video notes
Ability to set note color
Sync calendar with notes
Location marking ability
Handwriting notes

Out of Office Series: Task List App

task list

As my job duties take me out of the office more, I find myself in need of better task list management. In my office I have printed checklists everywhere, I keep scratch paper stacked everywhere to constantly prioritize tasks, in my constant quest for increased productivity. So, I am seeking a task list manager that can handle my needs, and help me as I travel more often.
I am going to be reviewing task list apps, in my search for the perfect one for my needs.

Phone and tablet sync
Home page widget for quick access
Recurring task feature
Tasks and subtasks
Notes section on tasks/subtasks
Alerts for priority tasks
Email capability of tasks and reminders

Ability to change color of tasks
Clean UI

Please comment with apps you think I should try or leave your feedback for apps I review.