Kevin Ian Schmidt

Loading Dock Safety Checklist

When you think of a loading dock, does a flurry of activity and the classic “beep, beep, beep” noise come to mind? A company’s loading dock is a hub of activity for shipping and receiving functions that keeps the businesses flowing. Unfortunately, about 25 percent of reported warehouse injuries occur on loading docks.

With the use of forklifts, pallet jacks, and other manual means in these critical transition areas, it’s important to review the hazards associated with loading docks and safety practices to help prevent injuries and incidents.


Have you completed a loading dock safety assessment?

This Loading Dock Audit Checklist is a great tool to assess the hazards present within the material transfer zone(MTZ) and provides a clear picture of where you can improve your safety.

This checklist for dock safety should be completed, at minimum, every quarter to ensure your loading dock remains a highly functional safe working environment.

The loading dock safety checklist covers important aspects such as:

  • Training – This is a review of the relevant training needed for safe work within the MTZ
  • Housekeeping – a clean and orderly work environment is the foundation of a safe workplace
  • Material handling equipment(MHE) – a solid check of all MHE will ensure employees are only using the safest equipment possible.
  • Loading zone – Is the loading zone properly setup for safe operation
  • General safety – many of the questions here are applicable for total warehouse safety, but with the fast moving work within the MTZ it should be checked regularly.


A great way to perform a loading dock safety assessment is by bringing together your site safety committee and using this checklist, so there are multiple perspectives in helping to identify hazards at the loading dock.

Check Out: Safe Lifting and Carrying Training as proper lifting will help reduce injuries, and employees need proper training on how to lift and carry safely.


Do you have other safety needs for your loading dock?


Download the Loading Dock Safety Checklist below

View the Loading Dock Safety Checklist below

Loading Dock Safety checklist

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