Kevin Ian Schmidt

Category Archives: Security

Workplace Violence Awareness

Workplace violence involves any negative behavior that is disruptive to either another employee, customer or against the company itself. The reason I use such a broad term of definition is because most cases that end in violence begins with a negative behavior. It is at the inception of this behavior that action should be taken […]

Clear Communication Tips

When an officer receives a message, does he (she) take the time to “play back” the information to the caller, or simply answer with “Yeah, I got that” and then forget it? Are there pink message pads or a computer log screen available that have the blank spaces for “caller”, “time”, “date”, “number”, “note”, and […]

Conducting a DIY Security Audit

No business is totally immune from the threat of crime but a little prior planning and a few common sense precautions are all that is necessary to deter most criminals. Use this test to conduct a survey of your business. Each “NO” answer indicates a weakness that could help a criminal. As you eliminate the […]

Risk Assessment Guidelines

Purpose of Risk Assessment Guidelines Most Corporate Risk and Security requires all locations to implement the baseline physical security controls described in the physical security standards. These controls are considered the minimum standards for the majority of locations. However, as a result of political, environmental or other local issues additional controls may be necessary. An […]

Transparent Security: not seeing it is the point

For businesses, the need for increased security is apparent. Yet there are many cases where the businesses may not want the appearance of security to be obvious. Although government organizations usually make security a priority over aesthetics, corporate and private facilities often cannot afford to follow this policy. With government facilities, if a property requires […]

How do your alarms communicate?

There are many ways that a signal from a fire or burglar alarm can reach the receiver; from POTS (the telephone line that you talk on every day) to sophisticated radio transmitters that seem to have been designed for the CIA to cellular service. Whatever method your security system is using, the important function is […]

Basics of a Security Risk Assessment

A proper security risk assessment is necessary to truly understand what security risks your company faces. As a physical security professional you must understand how to conduct a proper security risk assessment. Check out the Risk Assessment Guidelines to understand in-depth what a full security risk assessment entails. The following tips will guide you in […]

Layered Security

At its most basic, layered security refers to concentric rings of site and building security. These rings typically progress from the exterior boundaries of a site to the exterior building shell to increasingly secure areas within the building. The rings are not always symmetric or well defined, but each one represents an increase in security […]

Understanding of Real Risks

To anyone who has an understanding of real risks, some of the most unnerving stories about security involve facilities where nothing bad has happened — at least not yet. These are facilities where vulnerabilities exist but haven’t been discovered or addressed yet. Case in point: the headquarters of a large health care company. A security […]