Kevin Ian Schmidt

Category Archives: Safety

Fire Risk Assessment

Prior to fighting any fire with a portable fire extinguisher you must perform a fire risk assessment that evaluates the fire size, the fire fighters evacuation path, and the atmosphere in the vicinity of the fire. Check Out: Fire Extinguisher Basics Risk Assessment Question Characteristics of incipient stage fires or fires that can be extinguished […]

Emergency Exits: OSHA Standards

Emergency Exits are in every business, they are even required by most fire codes, but they are often an overlooked and worse even neglected integral part of a successful safety program. They should even be addressed in your Emergency Action Plan, but if you don’t address them correctly, it can result in OSHA fines, or […]

Emergency Action Plan Checklist

It is essential that the emergency action plan developed be site specific with respect to emergency conditions evaluated, evacuation policies and procedures, emergency reporting mechanisms, and alarm systems. To assist you in your planning, a checklist is provided that identifies issues that must be considered when drafting a comprehensive emergency action plan. An explanation of […]

OSHA Fire Extinguisher Guidelines

Where extinguishers are provided but are not intended for employee use and the employer has an emergency action plan and a fire prevention plan that meet the requirements of [29 CFR 1910.38], then only the requirements of the inspection, maintenance and testing and hydrostatic testing sections apply. [29 CFR 1910.157(a)]   As the owner of […]

Fire Extinguisher Inspections

Regular maintenance and inspections of your portable fire extinguishers will provide assurance that they will operate effectively and safely if they are needed. [29 CFR 1910.157(c)(4)] Inspect all extinguishers at least once a month. Use the following checklist as a guide. Is each extinguisher in its designated place, clearly visible, and not blocked by equipment, […]

Fire Extinguishers: Placement and Selection

To avoid putting workers in danger, fire extinguishers should be located throughout the workplace and readily accessible in the event of a fire. [29 CFR 1910.157(c)] You can usually find them in hallways, laundry rooms, meeting rooms, kitchens, mechanical/electrical rooms, and near exit doors. Selection and Placement of Fire Extinguishers If employees use portable fire […]

Fire Extinguisher Basics

To understand how a fire extinguisher works, you need to understand a little about fire. Fire is a very rapid chemical reaction between oxygen and a combustible material, which results in the release of heat, light, flames, and smoke. Fire Triangle For fire to exist, the following four elements must be present at the same […]

OSHA Training, preparing for a visit

OSHA cannot perform warrantless inspections without the employer’s permission. Refer to Marshall v. Barlow, 436 U. S. 307 (1978). A warrant is not necessary if OSHA obtains employer permission, any time premises are in view to the public, or even when there exists “imminent danger.” In the event that the OSHA compliance officer shows up […]

Safety Standards for Forklift Programs

As part of establishing proper safety standards for a forklift program, besides site specific safety precautions, you must be aware of OSHA requirements and know how to apply them.   If you are going to implement your own in-house operator training program, you should make yourself familiar with the OSHA standards for Powered Industrial trucks […]