Kevin Ian Schmidt

Category Archives: Management

Corrective Actions

It’s important to divide your recommended corrective actions into the categories below: Immediate or short-term corrective actions to eliminate or reduce the hazardous conditions and/or unsafe behaviors related to the accident. Long-term system improvements to create or revise existing safety policies, programs, plans, processes, procedures and practices identified as missing or inadequate in the investigation. […]

OSHA Employer Responsibilities

Your employer has many responsibilities or obligations detailed within the OSH Act and other standards. OSHA’s job is to protect employees, not necessarily employers. If there is a serious accident in the workplace, OSHA will investigate to determine if the employer did not adequately meet their obligations under the law. By doing so, OSHA’s ultimate […]

Tips for Developing A Successful Emergency/Crisis Management Program

Emergency/Crisis Management Planning needs vary with the industry, type of operations, and regulatory applicability; however, the following guidelines can be used for any situation: WHAT ARE YOUR WORKPLACE HAZARDS? The first step is to Identify vulnerabilities and hazards associated with your operation. No one understands your operation better than you. Ensure that emergency, business continuity, […]

How to Develop an Internal Safety Audit Schedule

An internal safety audit program is used by an organization to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures and processes used to meet OHS legislative and other statutory administrative requirements. An internal safety audit schedule is a considered approach by an organization to identify the extent and methods by which to conduct safety related audit verification […]

Developing an Effective Internal Marketing Plan

Internal marketing is one of the most complicated forms of marketing there is. Internal marketing is when a business markets its products, services and brand to its own employees. Instead of “selling” to consumers (external marketing), the business sells to its employees, treating them like internal consumers — which they are. The best way to […]

Importance of Safety Policy & Committee

Does your company have a workplace safety policy in place? If you don’t, you could be exposing your company to substantial risk. Many states require that companies with employees have a written workplace safety policy and that they hold regular safety committee meetings. Check your state for specific regulations. A Health & Safety (H&S) policy […]

Heat Stress Policy and Training

This year OSHA is putting a serious focus on heat stress, and your workplace needs to be ready to deal with it. Do you have a policy? Do you train employees on the dangers of heat stress? If not, I have you covered, so check it out and get to work keeping employees safe. Keeping […]