Kevin Ian Schmidt

All posts by Kevin Schmidt

Safety Shouldn’t Stumble on Paperwork: A Guide to Using Microsoft Forms for Incident Reporting

Workplace safety isn’t just a slogan; it’s the beating heart of a thriving environment. And at the core of ensuring everyone goes home unharmed? Efficient incident reporting. But let’s face it, traditional channels can be clumsy and slow, turning a crucial process into a paperweight on someone’s desk. But enter the digital age, where tools […]

EPA SPCC Tier 1 Plan Template

According to Section 112.1 of 40 CFR, the requirement for a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC), applies to petroleum storage facilities that: Are non-transportation related. Have an aggregate above ground storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons (including all tanks, containers, and operating equipment 55 gallons or greater in capacity) or a completely buried […]

OSHA Employee Rights

On December 29, 1970, President Nixon signed the OSH Act. This Act created OSHA, the agency, which formally came into being on April 28, 1971. With the creation of OSHA, for the first time, all employers in the United States had the legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthful workplace for employees. And, there […]