Kevin Ian Schmidt

Safety Shouldn’t Stumble on Paperwork: A Guide to Using Microsoft Forms for Incident Reporting

Workplace safety isn’t just a slogan; it’s the beating heart of a thriving environment. And at the core of ensuring everyone goes home unharmed? Efficient incident reporting. But let’s face it, traditional channels can be clumsy and slow, turning a crucial process into a paperweight on someone’s desk. But enter the digital age, where tools like Microsoft Forms step in to revolutionize how we report safety incidents. This blog post isn’t just about singing the praises of technology; it’s about showing you how Microsoft Forms can be your secret weapon for simplifying and streamlining workplace safety reporting.

Simplicity of Microsoft Forms for Incident Reporting

  1. Creating Customized Incident Report Forms: Microsoft Forms allows you to design customized forms tailored to your specific workplace safety needs. Easily include fields such as date, time, location, and detailed descriptions of the incident. The intuitive interface makes it simple for employees to fill out reports accurately.
  2. Accessibility and Ease of Use: One of the key advantages of using Microsoft Forms is its accessibility. Employees can access the forms from any device with an internet connection. This ensures that incident reports can be submitted promptly, whether on-site or remotely. The user-friendly design of Microsoft Forms makes it easy for employees at all tech proficiency levels to navigate.
  3. Collaboration made easy: Encourage open communication and teamwork by allowing employees to add photos, videos, and witness statements to reports, providing a clearer picture of what happened.
  4. Real-time Data Collection: Microsoft Forms enables real-time data collection, providing immediate insights into workplace incidents. Supervisors and safety officers can access the submitted forms instantly, allowing for a swift response to emerging safety concerns. This feature is particularly valuable in addressing time-sensitive issues and preventing potential risks.
  5. Automated Notifications and Alerts: Streamline your incident reporting workflow by setting up automated notifications and alerts. Microsoft Forms can be configured to notify designated individuals or teams when a new incident report is submitted. This ensures that the right people are promptly informed, facilitating quicker resolution and preventive measures.
  6. Integration with Microsoft 365: Microsoft Forms seamlessly integrates with the broader Microsoft 365 ecosystem, providing a centralized platform for incident reporting. Data collected through Forms can be stored and analyzed using Excel or directly integrated into Power BI for comprehensive reporting and trend analysis. This integration ensures that incident reporting becomes an integral part of your overall safety management strategy.
  7. Secure Data Storage: Security is a top priority when dealing with sensitive incident data. Microsoft Forms offers secure data storage within the Microsoft 365 environment. This safeguards employee privacy and ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

This isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about empowering your employees to be active participants in their own safety. By making reporting accessible and straightforward, you’re building a culture of safety where everyone feels responsible and heard.

So, ditch the papercuts and embrace the digital solution. Microsoft Forms can help you turn incident reporting from a chore into a proactive tool for building a safer, happier workplace. Remember, a smooth-running safety system isn’t just good for business; it’s good for everyone.

Ready to take the plunge? Let’s explore how you can set up your own Microsoft Forms incident reporting system and start reaping the benefits of a truly digitized safety culture.

Step-by-step guide on how to configure a customized form for incident reporting:

Step 1: Access Microsoft Forms

  • Open your web browser and navigate to Microsoft Forms (
  • Log in with your Microsoft 365 credentials.

Step 2: Create a New Form

  • Click on the “+ New Form” button to start creating a new form.

Step 3: Design Your Incident Report Form

  • Add relevant fields for incident reporting, such as date, time, location, description, and any specific details required.
  • Utilize various question types (text, multiple-choice, etc.) to capture the necessary information accurately.
  • Do NOT be afraid to mark important questions as “required” to not allow the form to be submitted without it being answered.

Step 4: Include Conditional Logic (if needed)

  • Use branching and conditional logic to tailor the form based on the type of incident being reported. This ensures that the form adapts dynamically to different scenarios.

Step 5: Set Up Notifications

  • Click on “Settings” (gear icon) and select “Notifications.”
  • Configure email notifications to alert designated individuals or teams when a new incident report is submitted
    • These are only available for enterprise accounts

Step 6: Customize Theme and Branding

  • Personalize the form’s appearance by selecting a theme and adding your organization’s branding elements.

Step 7: Configure Form Settings

  • Adjust form settings, such as limiting responses, requiring sign-in for added security, and specifying who can respond to the form.
    • This is available for enterprise accounts only

Step 8: Preview and Test the Form

  • Preview the form to ensure it appears as intended.
  • Test the form by submitting a sample incident report to verify that notifications are triggered correctly.

Step 9: Share the Form

  • Click on the “Share” button to generate a link or embed code for the form.
  • Distribute the link to employees, ensuring easy access for incident reporting.
Want a form to start using for your Microsoft 365 incident reporting system? I have a form available to start using here

Step 10: Monitor and Analyze Responses

  • Regularly check the form’s responses tab to monitor incident reports in real-time.
  • Utilize Microsoft Forms’ integration with Microsoft 365 for detailed analysis and reporting.

Step 11: Regularly Review and Update

  • Periodically review the incident reporting form to ensure it remains relevant.
  • Update the form based on any changes in workplace safety protocols or reporting requirements.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly set up a workplace safety incident reporting system using Microsoft Forms. This streamlined process enhances data collection, notification efficiency, and overall workplace safety management.

Pros and cons of using Microsoft Forms as an incident reporting tool:


  1. Ease of Use: Microsoft Forms has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for employees to quickly fill out and submit incident reports with minimal training.
  2. Real-Time Data Collection: Forms can be submitted instantly, allowing for real-time data collection and immediate notifications when an incident occurs.
  3. Customizable Templates: Microsoft Forms allows for easy customization, enabling users to design incident reporting forms tailored to their organization’s specific needs.
  4. Integration with Other Microsoft Tools: Microsoft Forms integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 tools like Excel, SharePoint, and Teams, simplifying data analysis, collaboration, and reporting.
  5. Accessible on Multiple Devices: Microsoft Forms is accessible from smartphones, tablets, and computers, making it convenient for employees to report incidents from anywhere.


  1. Limited Features for Complex Reporting: Microsoft Forms may lack advanced features for detailed incident tracking, such as categorizing or prioritizing reports, making it less suitable for complex incident management systems.
  2. Data Storage Limitations: While Microsoft Forms can store responses, large organizations with high reporting volumes may run into limitations with storage and data organization.
  3. Basic Workflow Automation: Microsoft Forms has limited options for workflow automation, which may hinder the follow-up process for incident resolution without additional integration with other tools like Power Automate.
  4. No Offline Access: Employees must have an internet connection to submit a form, which can be a challenge in remote or disconnected locations.
  5. Limited Reporting Capabilities: Although data can be exported to Excel, Microsoft Forms does not offer robust built-in analytics or reporting features, requiring additional work to analyze the data effectively.

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